About Us

CTC Paper & Packaging, in established in 1990 at Mumbai in Maharashtra, is a leading Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier & Stockist of exclusive range of Craft Paper in Pan India.
CTC Paper & Packaging is one of Trade India's verified and trusted sellers of Best Quality Kraft paper all over India. We are well known in the market with high quality Kraft Paper, Duplex Paper, Bagasse Paper etc. Over the past decade we make timely deliveries. This has become a major reason to our success in the market. Our exclusive range of products are in high demand in paper bags manufacturing companies, paper cups manufacturing companies, cardboard and boxes manufacturing companies, books manufacturing companies, printing press, departmental stores, grocery stores, pharmaceutical stores, electronic stores, supermarkets and boutiques.
Nature of Business
Established As
Stockist & Manufacturer
Legal Status of Firm
Individual or Proprietor
Annual Turnover
Rs.50 Lakhs - 1 Crore
ISO Certified
To supply our products and services in major cities and states of India. To supply quality products at competitive price with the help of cutting-edge technology in the industry.
To be the foremost choice for customers in India & Worldwide for Corrugated Boxes, Waste Paper, Starch and Supplier & Stockist products. To manufacture premium quality products with customised and creative designs.

Why Us ?

High Quality Products
We manufacture Paper Bags, Paper Carry Bags & Shopping Bags with excellent print-ability from High BF Kraft Paper.
Excellent Customer Service
Our organisation is more customer centric. From an order till the delivery we follow best practices in an industry.
Experienced Team
Our team consists of qualified and accountable professionals with more than 20 years of experienced in the domain.


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